Friday, June 01, 2007

sniff, continued...

I've posted a photo of "Witch Hazel," from the old Loony Tunes cartoons because this is pretty much exactly how I look when I'm sick. Seriously, I get a little tickle in my throat one minute, the next minute I look and feel like I got hit by a mack truck. Instead of the bunny in a pot though, I've been freebasing Flav-or-Ice's and other assorted frozen novelties like they are going out of style in an effort to cut through my sore throat.

I have been washing my hands like crazy, using hand sanitizer and trying not to hold Miles a lot (which is really hard!) in the hopes I can keep him well. So far so good, but we are still early in the game. My mom came one day to help me care for him and tonight I was so wiped out that John took over the evening shift with a bottle and put him to bed while I napped. I feel really blessed how eager everyone is to help me get better. I thought being sick during pregnancy was the worst thing ever. Nope! I remember caring for Andy when I would get sick and that was hard, but this is totally different. I'm just looking forward to feeling better soon. (Please God, soon!)

This week I was supposed to see my good friend Amy Conner, meet with a new friend and her baby for a play date and John and I were supposed to travel to Indy to see some friends of ours and their new baby tomorrow, so all of those events have been canceled and I'm beyond bummed. I'm hoping that I can get all of that re-planned soon and not miss out even more.

With everybody else caring for Miles, that leaves me to tag along, tissue in hand, with either a camera or video camera. I FINALLY caught one of Miles' belly laughs with the video camera and I can't wait to share that with everybody. Right now I'm going back to bed. Take care and hopefully you are well. A lot of people i know, including even talk show hosts on tv, seem to be sick this week so it's definitly going around.

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