Miles is plenty awake though!

Later this week I went through Miles' clothes to see what fit and what didn't. I found this cute little polo shirt from Annie's boys and tried it on with some plaid shorts. Cute! I tried to "pop" his collar, but it wouldn't stay. ; )

My sister gave us this exersaucer and this is the view I have of Miles as I wash dishes. I don't know what it is, but his little head and ears just crack me up.

John's studio is located right by the kitchen, so Miles and I often hear lots of music playing throughout the day. We stop by often to hear what he's playing and usually at the end of the day to tell him it's time to stop working and go walk the pugs or have dinner. On this day, Miles explored Daddy's studio a bit.

And finally, here's Miles trying out a sippy cup. Today is the last day for us to try carrots. (The doc tells you to try a food for many days in a row to see if he has a reaction to it. So at this point, we don't have much variety going on yet.) I'm moving on tomorrow and good riddance! Miles seemed to like them, but they STAIN like crazy! I now have "kitchen bibs" that I don't mind getting stained, but some of his nice bibs are now a gross shade of pale orange. Yuck!

I did a big blog because I won't be on for a while as I have a busy weekend coming up. Have a great rest of the week!
Hint: Move to the plastic wipe-off bibs once you move to solids. They have really nice ones where the bottom "snaps" up to catch food if any spill - GREAT for finger foods. In Ft. Wayne, the only place to find the ones I am talking about is Meijer. There are other ones with "flat" catchers, but they don't work as well and are harder to clean.
I was going to suggest the same! We have many stained bibs from before but now we are using the plastic wipe-off bibs and they work great! Ahhh, can you tell we're related?!
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