Thursday, November 08, 2007

wonderful surprise!

I got a call around 4:30 this afternoon from Dr. Rushing wondering if I could meet him and his wife at Catablu this evening. If you don't know who Dr. Rushing is, he was Andy's oncologist at IU Med in Indy and grew to be a very close friend. He was amazing through Andy's care and beyond and continues to still be a big part of our life. His wife, Katie, is just as precious. If I had an hour I could tell you story after story giving you examples of why he was an amazing doctor. Seriously, the man is amazing. The crappy Fort Wayne doctors had Andy on a three week waiting list for chemo while a tumor was quickly destroying his pelvis, keeping him in wheelchair. Dr. Rushing got Andy into chemo within hours of meeting him and got him walking by the end of the weekend. The man rocks.

So Dr. Rushing was coming to Fort Wayne to give a talk tonight on pain management at a private meeting at Catablu. He wondered if he could meet with us (and Miles!) briefly before his talk. I started to say that the evening is a bad time for Miles and then I was like, "DUH Betsy, It's your chance for Katie and Dr. Rushing to Meet Miles. Make it happen!" Man, sometimes I start micromanaging and I just have to cut myself off!

So John and I spent a wonderful evening with the Rushings. I only had a moment with Dr. Rushing, but he was able to tell me all about some WONDERFUL news. He was bubbling with excitement as he described to me some MAJOR advancements in the treatment of Ewing's Sarcoma. Like HUGE, Major advancements. It was wonderful to see him so excited and of course, wonderful to finally hear some good news regarding a cancer that debilitates, maims and kills so quickly. Yipppeee!! (That's really an understatement, but for keeping things succinct, It works.)

Pretty quickly Dr. Rushing had to head up to his meeting, but we got so spend some wonderful time with his wife Katie. Considering we were in a super nice (not to mention quiet!) resteraunt, I had said a silent prayer or two that Miles would be in a great mood. He was! There were no loud squaks or squeels that turned heads. He cuddled right up to Katie and she really got to enjoy him. It was wonderful. We were there right smack dab in the middle of what I call the bewitching hour too, 6-8 PM, so it was a miracle he was so quiet.

We didn't want to use our flash in the super dark resteraunt and be more obnoxious than we already were bringing a baby to Catablu, so our pics are pretty rough. You'll notice we had to crank our aperture way up so our depth of field is pretty short too. So that's why only one of them is in focus at the same time.

Oh, by the way, Katie and Dr. Rushing have a grandson that is the same age as Miles, but he lives in another country. So it was great they got to get a baby fix in.

The whole time Katie kept whispering to Miles, "You are so lucky to have such wonderful parents." Oh, I just LOVE Katie and Dr. Rushing! They are like family to me!!!

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