Saturday, December 01, 2007

Weird Friday night

In memory of my neighbor's blow up Christmas thingy: 

November 25, 2007-November 31, 2007 

After recording Cassie (see below post) we had something really weird happen. Here's the story...

We live in a somewhat quiet neighborhood, but we do have some super bored kids who live here because there is a fair amount of vandalism. It's super annoying and can be expensive as we had to replace our garage door because of it a couple months after we moved in. (I tell you, spending  $900 to buy a garage door when you just bought a house and got pregnant is so much fun!) Anyway, Friday night while we were recording Cassie we were sitting in John's office and we heard yelling outside. It sounded like it was right outside our window and when we peeked outside it was too men fighting in our yard! It was pretty scary. They made their way to our front porch and started ringing our doorbell yelling all sorts of stuff.   I cautiously looked out the porch window and saw that one of the men had a knife. I freaked out! It scared the DAYLIGHTS out of me. I called 911 and we were all pretty confused and I was so scared! Both of the guys were yelling and the pugs were going nuts so we couldn't hear what they were saying.

It ended up MUCH less dramatic that John or I had imagined. It was our neighbor down the street who had caught some drunk kid cutting his blow up Christmas decorations with a knife. Since this guy gets vandalized all the time he was fed up. He chased the kid all the way down the street and wrestled him onto our porch until the police came. The thing is, we thought it was two drunk guys in a fight and after seeing the knife and hearing all sorts of yelling we didn't know if there was a gun involved. Talk about adrenaline pumping. (If you know me, I'm a bit dramatic anyway, so you can imagine how freaked I was.) 

It was the weirdest thing. Our neighbor came over today and apologized and thanked us for calling the cops.  I'm not sure he fully appreciated us though because when he was listing all the things that have been done to him (like having his lawn driven through EVERY week, etc. which really stinks) he mentioned that people have been putting his Christmas reindeer in sexual positions and upon hearing that John and I busted out laughing. We are so immature! He told us it wasn't so funny if you have a 5 and 7 year old daughter. Ummmm, yea. It's a horrible thing. (giggle-giggle.) 

No seriously, that does really stink for that guy. He's a hard working guy and a good dad, so I feel for him.  Our neighbor proceeded to tell us that as he was holding the kid in a headlock waiting for the police to come he realized the guy had soiled his pants. Must have been pretty surprised when got caught, huh? YUCK! Can you imagine holding some guy in a headlock and smelling that? sheesh. Oh, and remember the knife I saw? Well it was what he used to pop the big Christmas blow up thingy. You'd think he's be smart enough to drop it, but he held on to it the entire time. What an idiot! When the cops came that just made him look like a guy with a weapon. Oh, and he was 18, so he actually went to jail that night. Hope he had fun popping that balloon.

So that was our night Friday night. Thankfully, all is quiet on Bluewater Trail this evening. There's a blow up snowman and penguin in the yard behind us and so far, all is looking good for that duo. I think it's safe to say Christmas decor is safe in the suburbs this evening thanks to the vigalante actions of our good neighbor three doors down.

Oh, by the way, some of you asked for the link to Cassie singing at Miles' dedication. Just go to our youtube page, Click here for videos  It's the one called Miles' Dedication.  Enjoy!  It's a rough recording because it's just from a video camera, so I'm excited that we got to actually record her with an actual mic. 


Erin said...

OH-MY-GOD ... I am cracking up! Seriously- I feel awful for your neighbor, but the thought of you and John laughing when he told you about the reindeer- it's too much! LOL - LOL!!!

And btw- 18 and vandalizing? By himself? Dude... get a life.

I would have been completely freaked out, too- glad it was all OK!

one more thing... that penguin you mentioned- it's actually in YOUR yard, isn't it? :)

Betsy King said...

Nope, not in my yard! Our neighbor behind us has it up. I wonder if he has it in the backyard to thwart the vandals. ; )

Jessica said...

OMG!!!! Love it! Nothing that exciting happens around here.

I enjoyed envisioning the whole story in my head as you described it!

All of this action and it is only the beginning of December! Imagine what could happen before Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Hi Besty, I found you through Jessica Claire's site. First of all, that sounds like a very weird night for sure, and I too cracked up reading about the poor reindeer. I must not be very mature either.
Secondly, I wrote because I relate to you. I'm the at home mommy now (by the way working with kids crawling around your feet is something I'm too familiar with), who also just got my smoking new Mac, and I'm finally investing in growing my own photography business. I'll keep checking on your progress and wishing you much success.
Take care,

Betsy King said...

Hi Geri!
Thanks for popping in. Send me your website so i can see your work!

here's my email:

hyperbets at comcast dot net

Anonymous said...

That is CRAZY!!! You'll have to reenact it at the party this weekend! :)


P.S. I heard about someone doing the same thing with those white reindeer around here and I thought it was HILARIOUS! I think about it every time I see them!

Amanda Mays said...

Hahaha what a funny story. I too had to giggle over the reindeer! $900 on a gargage door ... ouch!
Those darn hoodlums =)
