Tuesday, December 04, 2007

out with the old!

Blogger has been a little crabby lately....

So even though my new website and blog are still undergoing construction, it's time to move on!


Go ahead, check it out and reset your RSS feed with the new address. I've added new pics today and will continue to add photos to the new blog.


Leslie said...

Hi Betsy,
It's Leslie, the Me Ra devote from Indy. :) I've had loads of fun reading your blog and seeing all the great shots you and John take. Miles is a doll! I absolutely loved your sunset pictures and wondered what settings you used to capture them...iso, aperature, etc. Hope you're having a great Holiday season.
Leslie Webber

Betsy King said...


My ISO was 400, aperture 1.8 (50 mm prime lens), shutter speed 1/100.

We metered for the sky in aperture priority mode. Then switched to manual mode and set the aperture and shutter speed to what the sky metered at in aperture priority (av in cannon) mode. Then snap away focusing on your subject. We weren't able to do action shots, just standing silhouettes.

Have fun and the next awesome sunset email me pics when you take some!

Betsy King said...

BTW, THANK you so much for the compliments on our little guy. He is a VERY fun model to practice on. Sometimes I get in mom mode though and don't want to check my camera settings. I have to remember I don't have a point a shoot! ; )

Leslie said...

Thanks for the tips, Betsy. It never even occured to me to meter in av and switch back to manual! I feel like a whole new world just opened. :) Seriously.

We'll have to chat more at length sometime. We are the same age and I went to college (in Illinois) with a girl from Ft. Wayne, and I bet you know her! Plus, we always talk about making a trip to the Children's Zoo, so maybe we can meet up there sometime and drive our kids nuts practing shots! :)

Again, thanks for the help!

Warm Regards,

Betsy King said...

Yes! That would be great! Send me your friend's name who lived in fw.

my new email: betsy at betsyandjohn dot net