Monday, June 25, 2007

Happiest Baby on the Block...

We have this new little thing we do where Miles grabs our fingers and we count, "1,2 THREE!" and we pull him up. He makes this funny little face like he's doing a sit up and then gets all happy and excited once he is sitting up. Here are some shots I took last week.

Here Miles is giggling like crazy. His giggles are no longer this elusive thing. We get plenty now during the day and it's so much fun!

I have SOOOO much fun with Miles during the day that I'm doing a terrible job of getting much of anything else done around the house. Who cares though, they are only this age once!

I call this picture "The Happiest Baby on the Block" photo. That's the name of a book that I owned and started to read while I was pregnant. I remember my midwife, Andrea, was always trying to get me to chill out and stop reading so many baby books. She said, "Happiest Baby on the Block? Well, that's a lot of pressure for one little baby to have to be the happiest on the block!" She had told me to put the book down and know that all a baby needs is nourishment and love. The rest will fall into place. I remember looking at her and wondering how all the rest could possibily fall into place when I was so clueless. Then I had Miles and I realized how powerful this thing called intuition is. Before then, I couldn't even hold someone's baby without wondering just how long I had to hold it until I could give it back to it's mother. (Yes, I know that makes me sound like a huge jerk! I just didn't have a lot of experience with babies. Kids, I could handle. Babies were a mystery.) As I said, I had zero chemistry with babies before Miles so to all of a sudden be flooded with this ability to nurture Miles when he arrived was pretty powerful.

I'm working on remembering that now as i find my nightstand is creaking under a pretty serious stack of baby care books once more. The Baby Whisperer, The No-Cry Sleep Solution, The Expert's Guide to Babies, What the Other Mother's know, etc. Honestly, I don't have any sleep problems (Thank GOD, please let that continue!), Miles eats just fine and we are doing great. I just get a little (ok, maybe a lot) neurotic about not messing things up. So I need to remember Andrea's words and take a look at our happily thriving little guy and remind ourselves that we are all doing great. The books are a good thing to get some tips here and there, but more often than not, I find myself putting the book down and remembering that my intuition is doing just fine and to trust myself and my ability. Oh, and everything really does fall into place. Well, everything except the clutter around the house. ; )

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