I tried to get Miles to sit for me for a photo today up against the cool green wall in the nursery but he kept whacking his head against the wall. Opps! He didn't seem to mind, but we certainly didn't keep on trying. He's definitely in a more wobbly stage as he figures out all of the cool new things he can do now. (More on that later...) I got one shot and this was it. It's so close up because I'm holding Miles by the belly with one arm and holding the camera with the other hand hoping to get a shot. Don't you want to just pinch those cheeks? I think he looks like an old soul here. Like he has sensitivity beyond his years, like his daddy.
So speaking of things Miles can do with his body, this was a banner weekend for Miles! We woke up Saturday morning to Miles laying on his belly! We hadn't seen him roll from his back to his belly, and have been waiting for him to, and somehow during the early morning hours he rolled himself over. That was exciting and we wondered if we would get to see him roll again soon. Well, today, he was hanging out in tummy time and he totally pushed himself up and rolled over to his back. I FLIPPED OUT. I can't believe how exciting it was to see him do that. John, who is always home, actually had to go into the office today (on a Sunday-YUCK!) and missed it. So we'll have to try for a repeat performance.
I love this smiling pic of Miles. His face just lights up when he smiles...again, just like his daddy!
Speaking of Daddy, John was changing Miles yesterday and singing to him and got Miles to bust out in the biggest belly laugh ever. It was awesome. John had tears in his eyes he was laughing so hard with him. When ever I get the camera out though, that usually brings an end to the fun, but I managed to catch a bit of the action before the giggles ended.
So it was a pretty good weekend for us. Friday night we went to an outdoor concert at Jefferson Pointe. It was pretty last minute but was nice for us to get out of the house with Miles. We took a bottle and fed him while we hung out on a blanket in the grass. Then the neatest thing happened. An old friend recognized me and came over to say hi. I met her at IU Med Center right before I brought Andy home to hospice back in 2003. Andy's nurse wanted me to meet her because her husband too had Ewing's Sarcoma, the same cancer Andy had. We immediately hit it off and were in disbelief that we were both the same age, lived in Fort Wayne and our husbands were both just as sick with cancer. Her husband passed just four days after Andy did. She called me shortly after her husband's funeral, unaware that Andy had passed and we ended up creating a friendship over the phone that summer. We ended up losing touch, but I always thought of her and wondered how she was doing.
So there we stood, pretty much exactly four years after we first met, with new babies in our arms and nothing but happiness felt for each other and the new lives we have built. She has re-married as well, but this is her second child she has had with her new husband. She told me that she always thinks of me this time of year and it was such an nice feeling to hear her say that. I mean, since Andy passed on July 4th, and since it's a holiday, it isn't often that people remember and mention it to me. As we talked we both had that unspoken knowledge of each other's paths. It was so great to see her again and it felt like a movie, like a really happy ending to a movie to be there with our new families. This is a rough time of year for me so it was perfect to run into her like that.
Last night wasn't as great though. We took Miles out for dinner with friends and it was one of those situations where we should have just cashed in our chips early, got our food to go and just left. Miles has been great at resteraunts lately, but for the entire dinner either John was outside rocking Miles or I was outside on a park bench nursing him. So our friends basically had dinner with us one at a time. Needless to say, the evening was not an enjoyable one for us, but once we got home he went straight to bed and slept all night. We watched Borat (God Bless On Demand movies!) and we cringed and laughed for the rest of the evening.
Today we bought a highchair in preparation for getting Miles ready to try solids in the upcoming months. Can I just say that highchairs come in the ugliest patterns known to mankind? Goodness gracious, I"m putting this thing in my kitchen, not Cracker Barrel! What's up with the horrendous plaids (complete with ruffles), bright zoo patterns (our bouncer is nuts enough, we don't need a matching highchair) or teddy bear themes? Sheesh. I was trying to be budget minded and try to be open to the the cheaper (and ugly) high chairs instead of the expensive (and neutral colored) one we originally registered for. Nope, couldn't do it. (I'm such a brat. I know it!) So, we'll have pics of our little guy in his brand spankin shiny new highchair soon. BTW, we almost REALLY cheaped out, in an attempt to save space, and got a highchair seat that attaches to a regular dining chair. We figured that wasn't very safe since our chairs have padding and went for the big 'ol space munching highchair. I wonder if that would have worked...Oh well, it's already assembled and here and we are excited to get Miles in it tomorrow. I'm sure we'll post pics.
This post is pretty long. I"m shushing now! Have a great week!
It's so amazing to see how much he's changed just since Mother's Day. He is so adorable. Love you guys!
OMG! We were at Friday Night Live at Jefferson Pointe too!!! Miss you!
YEAH!! Rollin', rollin', rollin'...the fun's just beginning! Go Miles!
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