Here's Miles getting ready to go on one of our walks with the pugs. Yes, we know that plastic bags aren't the ideal baby toy, but he grabbed it from John's hand and considering it's a doggy pick up bag, we thought it was funny. We think it's a good sign that he's on the right track to start pitching in on the chores.
Remember when I said I followed John around with a camera, tissues in hand, since he cared for Miles when I was sick? Well, he was laying on the floor playing with Miles and the pugs, as they usually do, snuggled right up. Pretty much anytime we play with Miles on the floor, the pugs come along and want part of the action. Miles was grabbing at their fur and extra rolls of skin and they didn't even blink. The pugs are absolutely amazing with Miles. Today I was laying on the floor reading The Big Red Barn to Miles and the pugs came up and laid down to listen as well. It's so sweet to lay like a big pack together.
Here's Miles on his belly in the tub. John caught this one this time. He really likes his baths. I'm looking forward to when he can sit up better and we can really play in the water.
Today Miles had his 4 month doctor appt. He weighs 15 and a half pounds and is in the 75th percentile on his weight and height. During the last check up he was 50th percentile on weight, so he's getting up there. The nurse was surprised at the weight as she didn't think he looked that big, but they agreed that he was a long baby. (Blanking out on the measurement, I think he's at 25 inches?) Anyway, he checked out great and we had a nice appt. and learned a lot, as usual. We learned more about feeding Miles solids if he's ready, but we all agreed that he's not there yet. So we'll probably be trying that out in a couple of months. I'm in no hurry for that, but we'll keep our eyes open to see what Miles wants.
He got his second round of shots today and his first shot I think he actually giggled (perhaps he has gotten my affliction for laughing when he's nervous) and then by the second shot he was wailing, of course. Our doctor is great and let us hang out in the room with a bottle until he was calm. The rest of the day went ok, but he got a fever later in the afternoon which freaked us out, but we all got through it.
So I'm starting to feel and look a bit better. I'm still feeling a bit drained, but compared to last week, I'm WORLDS better. John's been working his booty off with his office stuff during the day and his Metta Audio side jobs at night. I finally loaded some photo software on my crappy little computer so I can load pics and do blogs without interrupting his work. So perhaps my blog participation will be a bit more lively now.
That's all for now. Nighty Night!
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