Monday, November 05, 2007


Miles and the pugs are blessed to not only have two sets of Grandparents in my parents and John's parents, but Andy's family, the Zabel family, is very much a big part of our life and very much family.

This is Mugga. She is Andy's Grandmother. When Andy was a little boy he tried to say Grandma, but it came out as Mugga. Well, that name stuck and 30 years later, she remains Mugga to all of us.

She is in Fort Wayne visiting from Wisconsin and I got to spend some time with her today when I picked the pugs up from their visit at what we call, "Camp Grandma and Grandpa's House." Miles got to meet her for the first time and they got along swimmingly.
Mugga said she couldn't remember how long it had been since she had held a baby. She was so happy to play with Miles that she even got down on the floor to play and snuggle.
At 93 years old, Mugga doesn't have much vision left, but she was still watching Barb show Miles her big basket of neat toys.
Barb is a natural with kids.
See what I mean?
We will have to come visit Mugga, Bill and Barb again soon.

Oh, and of course Lelu and Weiland! I can't believe that there are no photos with dogs! There were FOUR running around the house while I was there. The pugs LOVE, LOVE, LOVE going to their house. They were pretty bored this afternoon as our house is not as much fun as theirs.


Anonymous said...

It all makes my heart melt. I love everyone of them!

Anonymous said...

These were precious photos. The young and the old how beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Great Pics! I'm a bobbi and mike fan. What a great way to bless your family by documenting with such great photos. Question, I love your black and white action. How do you do it??
Let me know... thanks.

Raleigh NC
Poiema Photography

Anonymous said...

I love the pictures of Miles and Mugga. Cherish them forever!

Amanda Mays said...

Hi Becky!

I am a transplant from Me Ra's blogs and I just had to comment on these pictures! They are amazingly beautiful and precious, they make me almost cry that's how darn sweet they are! My Great Grandma is 93 and I so cherish the picture's I have of her with my 2 year old son! The love Mugga has for little miles just shines, what a wonderful moment captured perfectly! I LOVE the one of them touched fourheads!

Amanda :)