Monday, October 22, 2007

blog haters

If you are a blogger, you will, from time to time, encounter the blog hater. The person who, when you mention that a certain bit of info is located on your blog, will roll their eyes a bit, wave their hand and say, "Oh. I don't "do" blogs." Then you are left standing there with a bit of awkward silence realizing that something you do everyday, this person deems unnecessary. Oh, and that the person you are talking to, finds perusing a site of your photos or daily anecdotes for 45 seconds or so is just not that much of a payoff to actually click the link. I try not to get offended, but it's actually pretty offending. It's like if someone gets out their wallet of photos and you would wave your hands and say, "I don't "do" wallet photos." Of course, looking at a wallet of photos is different than what people choose to check out in their personal time.

I have a handful of these blog haters in my life and I've gotten used to it. Hey, that's cool. It's just kind of a funny social mores that has popped up lately. The fact that I have two different people in my life: the blog readers and the non-blog readers means that life as we live it is changing because of the way we choose to process, or not process information about the people in our life. Needless to say, with the blog readers I just fast forward through the small talk and can get right to the deep conversations because the blog readers already know everything going on in my life. Actually, I just went out to dinner with some people I hadn't seen in 13 years, but since they were blog readers, the conversation flowed just as fluid as the wine did. Actually, more than once in my life I have been able to meet up with pretty much complete strangers, but because of blogs, we felt like we know each other and jumped right into being fast friends. However, if I meet up with my non-blogging friends we have to go through the whole business of getting caught up on details and the conversation doesn't end up running as deep.

So what I'm trying to say is, to all of you blog readers out there, I really appreciate you being here. You are busy, have a million other things you could be doing now, but here you are, reading my blog. Thank you so much.

To wrap this subject up, I saw this t shirt at a shop in Ann Arbor a while ago and I thought it was hilarious. John and I keep joking we are going to buy this for each other.


Anonymous said...

I hear you! I love it that a few of my friends keep blogs. I wish more of them did. It's a great way to stay in touch with people and stay up to date on their lives. Plus, it's great to be able to go back and read your own blog to remember where you were in the past. So, I say blah to the nay sayers, and keep up the great pics and posts!

Mike said...

you're also a good candidate for this shirt:

great post!

Unknown said...

I love your blog! - but this shirt is hilarious. I'm gonna get one.